Quality Assurance is the way we check we are delivering what we say we’ll deliver.
As students, you are co-creators and partners with the University. You have a say in the development and improvement of the quality of your course and experience at UAL.
You can get involved with all the procedures mentioned below. You are also able to put yourself forward for election to be a student representative for your course.
If you are not a course rep yourself, make sure you know who they are and do let them know if you have any feedback, good or bad.
How we check course quality
Course approval and re-approval
Your course will be reviewed every 5 years. A panel of internal and external colleagues will comment on the course and confirm it is fit for purpose.
Course modifications
Annual course monitoring
Every year the course team will review:
- data on completion attainment (the awards students achieved)
- student satisfaction.
They will identify actions to ensure the course is offering equal opportunity for all students and enabling them to achieve their potential.
External examiners
Quality review of a School or subject area
This happens about every 5 years. It involves a panel including external experts who review data and meet with staff and students from a subject area within a College. A report is produced and the actions are set.
Student surveys
Each year we ask students for feedback. Learn more about student surveys.
Committee structure
There is a course committee, formed by staff and students.
They take key policy decisions and accountable to the governing body of UAL. You can speak to your course committee about your course experience.
Student representatives meet with staff. They discuss the operation of the course and consult on changes and development. Each course cohort typically has 2 student representatives.
They are key members of the Course Committee and can also get involved with other meetings and projects.
If you have an issue which isn’t related to the academic delivery of your course, speak to Student Services or the Students’ Union.