UAL is committed to maintaining the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research.
We ensure that our research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards.
- UAL Code of Good Conduct in Research (PDF 1.9MB)
- Procedure for the Investigation of Allegations of Misconduct in Research (PDF 4.2MB)
Research strategy
The UAL Research Strategy 2023 – 2028 underpins UAL’s third vision statement, ‘changing the world through creative endeavour’.
- Find out more and read UAL Research strategy 2023 – 2028 (PDF 5.2MB)
Statements on research integrity
- Research integrity report for academic year 2021/22 (PDF 59KB)
- Research integrity report for academic year 2020/21 (PDF 54KB)
- Research integrity report for academic year 2019/20 (PDF 37KB)
- Research integrity report for academic year 2018/19 (PDF 37KB)
- Research integrity report for academic year 2017/18 (PDF 38KB)
- Research integrity report for academic year 2016/17 (PDF 1.5MB)
Contact for all matters related to research integrity including concerns about the integrity of research conducted by UAL: Dr Sharon Cole - Director of Research Management and Administration,
Research ethics
We're committed to supporting good practice in research and scholarly activity. At UAL, it's fundamental that research should be conducted in accordance with ethical principles.
Our Code of Practice on Research Ethics sets out the guiding principles and outlines the obligations and responsibilities for conducting research in an ethical manner. This document is part of UAL's framework for supporting good practice in research.
Research data management
Read about our Research Data Management Planning Procedures
UAL policy documents
- UAL_Funder_requirements_for_data_management (Word 2.4MB)
- UAL Research Data Management Policy 2014 - Annex A (PDF 1.9MB)
Concordat to researcher development
UAL is committed to supporting researchers in the development of their careers. It endorsed the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (PDF 2.1MB) which sets out principles of how careers of researchers should be supported.
UAL has formalised its commitment to the Concordat with a successful application for recognition under the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ scheme. This is a European-level accreditation which recognises the steps that UAL is making to the careers of our researchers and the development of a thriving research community. The Action Plan specifies what UAL will be doing to embed the Concordat further.
- UAL HR Excellence in Research Action Plan (PDF 1.7MB)
- UAL HR Excellence in Research (Cohort 18) 2-year report (Word 35KB)
- UAL HR Excellence in Research Action Plan - October 2019 (Word 79KB)
- UAL HR Excellence in Research Action plan 2021 – 2023 (Word 1.1MB)
Our people
Senior research management team
- Dr Sharon Cole, Director of Research Management and Administration
- Professor Vida Midgelow, Dean of Doctoral School
College associate deans of research
- Professor Malcolm Quinn,
Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon College of Arts - Professor Joanne Morra, (interim)
Central Saint Martins - Dr Pratap Rughani,
London College of Communication - Felicity Colman,
London College of Fashion
Research Management and Administration (RMA)
UAL Research Management and Administration (RMA) provides all administrative services related to externally funded research projects, research students, research finances and research communications as well as coordination of our Research Centres.
RMA also supports research Staff Development, the Professoriate and all College/University Research Committees.
Get in touch with our Research Management and Administration team,